The Legacy of Atlas the Great:
A Peculiar Mecha Project

Following the demise of Atlas the Great and the disgrace it cast upon the Spartan Guard, the Spartans embarked on an unprecedented mecha project. Driven by the belief that the lack of a sizeable weapons platform—complete with surveillance and radar equipment—had contributed to the Emperor's assassination, they envisioned a solution to mitigate future threats.

Their ambitious plan involved the development of large mecha platforms, designed to accompany the Emperor during processions, with units positioned at the front, middle, and end. This innovative and somewhat peculiar project aimed to provide enhanced security and new protection for the Emperor, ensuring that history would not repeat itself. 

The Birth of the Lions of Sparta:
A Formidable Fusion of Art and Warfare

Understanding that conventional tanks or low-flying aircraft did not align with their vision, the Spartans devised a unique mobile infantry platform that featured four legs, taking on the striking resemblance of a lion. This heralded the creation of the Lions of Sparta, colossal weapons platforms that were as decorative as they were devastating, boasting enough firepower to raze an entire city.

Clad in a thin layer of Orichalcum, these awe-inspiring machines were remarkably resistant to small and medium arms fire. By focusing on mechanical and metallurgical prowess rather than software expertise, the Spartans succeeded in crafting an imposing and fearsome combatant.

The Rise of the Lions of Sparta:
A Display of Unparalleled Power

Initially comprised of just six units, the Lions of Sparta rapidly multiplied as their astounding effectiveness became apparent. The Spartans ingeniously harnessed advanced versions of the technology that powered JC Boots, enabling these colossal machines to run on water. By reinforcing the teeth with high concentrations of Orichalcum—at an immense cost to the Spartan economy—they crafted a formidable weapon over a hundred feet long.

These awe-inspiring creations could charge at opposing armies on the ocean's surface, impervious to incoming fire. With their incredible strength, they were capable of tearing a fortress from its foundations or slicing a ship in two. The Lions of Sparta symbolized the pinnacle of Spartan innovation and power, with the very sight of them putting fear into enemy soldiers.