As the eldest of the three brothers who vanquished the Titans, Zeus always saw himself as the leader, even when faced with the might of Poseidon or the intellect of Hades. Consequently, when it was time to decide who would rule the skies, oceans, and the afterlife, the outcome seemed predetermined. Zeus's cunning, or perhaps dishonesty, triumphed over strength and intelligence.
With the dominion over the sky came the title of king of the gods, and Zeus fully embraced his newfound power. Yet, despite his lavish lifestyle, he did little to advance humanity, still in its hunter-gatherer stage. The creation of Atlantis by Poseidon only incited Zeus's envy, as he sought credit for all human achievements. Atlantis's thousand-year reign as a symbol of progress and enlightenment only fueled Zeus's disdain. Many believe this animosity contributed to the fall of ancient Atlantis. The epic battle between Zeus and Poseidon shaped humanity's destiny, both twelve thousand years ago and in the present.

The long game
Zeus continued to rule from Mount Olympus for millennia, until the fall of the legendary mountain. While most Olympians faded into obscurity, some Atlanteans maintain that Poseidon and Aphrodite may have survived. If so, Zeus could still be alive, harboring immense hatred and rage towards Poseidon and humanity.

Many believe that Zeus vanished with the fall of Mount Olympus, but an alternative theory suggests he may still be influencing events. According to some, Zeus's unrelenting anger towards Poseidon and his progeny drove him to pursue their destruction. The new Rome is governed by a modern Caesar, who pledges allegiance to Jupiter—the Latinized version of Zeus and the Roman ruler of the gods. It would be unwise to overlook the potential connection between them and to ignore the possibility that Zeus may be the true puppet master in Rome. As the mysterious traveler, Zeus could be orchestrating events from behind the scenes, seeking vengeance against his ancient rival and the humanity he once cherished.