Water is . . .
hydrogen two parts, oxygen one, but there is also a third thing, that makes it water and nobody knows what it is.”
— D. H. Lawrence


At the core of Atlantean mythology unfurls the enigma of Aqua. Aqua isn't the symbol, spirit, or embodiment of water—Aqua is water. Every expansive ocean, winding river, placid lake, atmospheric mist, and even the moisture in a living organism—these are not influenced by Aqua. They are Aqua. Not simply in the terrestrial confines of our planet, but in the unfathomable expanse of the cosmos. From the Earth's brimming oceans to the frozen ice caps of distant planets, all is Aqua. Aqua does not merely harbor life—Aqua is the very essence of life, omnipresent in the infinite cosmic weave.

Aqua, however, is not merely the placid, nurturing entity one might imagine. She signifies every facet of water, including its tumultuous storms and devastating tsunamis, the serene lull of a calm sea and the cosmic ballet of galactic ice formations. It is this interplay between creation and destruction, life and cessation, that surrounds Aqua with an aura of awe and reverence among the Atlanteans.

f there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.
— Loran Eisley


Aqua is the dance of the cosmos itself, an eternal, ever-changing flow. Whispers of legend speak of her taking form as a luminescent figure arising from the ocean's heart, hair billowing like a cosmic nebula. But truly, every ripple in the cosmic ocean is Aqua's ballet. The rise and fall of tides on distant worlds, the surge of interstellar rivers, the celestial downpour—it is all Aqua in motion. This dance is not about interceding in the affairs of the cosmos, but about the intrinsic rhythm of the universe itself, an awe-inspiring testament to the power and constancy of Aqua.


The water understands Civilization well,
It wets my foot, but prettily, It chills my life, but wittily,
It is not disconcerted,
It is not broken-hearted: Well used, it decketh joy, Adorneth, doubleth joy:
Ill used, it will destroy,
In perfect time and measure With a face of golden pleasure Elegantly destroy.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson


What could a being as boundless and enigmatic as Aqua desire? Atlantean lore suggests a longing simple yet profound—balance. Aqua yearns for a universe where each droplet of her being is revered, where her dual role as the life-giver and harbinger of destruction is acknowledged and esteemed.

To honor Aqua's wish, the Atlanteans have pledged to cherish and safeguard every manifestation of water. Aqua is not a deity to them but water itself—a cosmic force that shapes existence in its silent, eternal flow. They perceive Aqua as an omnipresent enigma—a timeless conundrum that represents the essence of life and the potential for destruction, the unending dance of creation and entropy.


Though Aqua's eternal dance seems unattached to the affairs of mortals or immortals, there is an exception woven into the fabric of Atlantean lore—the children of Poseidon, the god of the seas. These heirs carry within them a portion of Aqua's cosmic essence, inherited from their sea-god progenitor. Aqua, while remaining an aloof entity, maintains an inexplicable connection with them.

It is said that at the times of dire need, Aqua's cosmic rhythm might subtly shift, not to interfere, but to provide a gentle guidance, a nudge in the currents, or a calm amidst the storm for Poseidon's descendants. It is a testament not to an obligation, but to a mysterious affinity, as though acknowledging an age-old pact between the God of Seas and the Universal Water herself. It remains a core belief among the Atlanteans, and they revere Poseidon's children as living links to their beloved Aqua, cherishing the occasional signs of Aqua's silent, enigmatic guidance in their lives.