Last one standing

In a world that has evolved beyond recognition, the United States of America remains a shining beacon of hope, standing tall as the last great land-based superpower. As the world has shifted towards oceanic innovation, the US has proven that land nations continue to wield influence, leading the charge into the future.

Exploring New Horizons:

The US experienced remarkable success with its initial foray into floating cities, contributing to the global expansion of these unique urban environments. However, democracy brought challenges. A desire for autonomy and reduced taxes led many floating cities to hold referendums, ultimately leaving the Republic.


Nonetheless, the passage to Hawaii remains heavily populated by American floating cities. While territories such as Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands maintain their American identity, they find themselves surrounded by other floating nations. The US remains a formidable force though, ensuring no floating city would dare encroach on its territorial waters.

An Unexpected Twist of Fate

The US initially resisted the secession of floating cities, proposing numerous laws to prevent separation. However, towards the end of the 21st century, the nation shifted its focus. Whispers of a ground-breaking discovery in the US desert hinted at a technological revolution that would reshape the world. It was under the term of Vice President Reyes, that this revolution had unimaginable resources poured into it to make it complete.

City 51: Birth of a New Era

Hidden within Area 51's impenetrable satellite defenses, a mysterious crashed object, nearly a mile long, sparked wild speculation. Rapidly surrounded by an enormous hangar, this highly advanced relic was rumored to emit an eerie red glow from within. Far from extraterrestrial in origin, the find would soon change the course of history.

As the enigma of the crashed object unraveled, a sprawling metropolis emerged around Area 51. Dubbed City 51, this bustling hub quickly became home to millions of workers and their families. And soon after, construction began of a once-impossible project… The space elevator.

A city rises… and rises

Towering 1,200 miles above Earth, the space elevator surpassed low Earth orbit, revolutionizing space travel. While other nations still relied on chemical-powered rockets to launch satellites, the US harnessed an unknown power source, making space travel astonishingly affordable and efficient. Whilst Atlantis itself envied its construction, it was the might of Rome which saw it as the greatest risk to its future…


Although the United States has turned its attention skyward, it remains a formidable superpower on Earth. Its powerful navy stands as an equal to those of Atlantis and Rome. While it may lack the ornate designs found in their counterparts, the US prioritizes efficiency and raw power, ensuring its technology remains a competitive force on the global stage.

As the world continues to evolve, the United States stands tall, holding the torch for land nations and exploring uncharted territories. The resilient spirit of America endures, adapting to change and embracing new horizons, proving that it remains a true superpower in a rapidly changing world.