A Neutral Zone

Amid the drama surrounding the creation of floating cities, some foresaw the need for neutral zones to prevent the inevitable wars. In the midst of all the chaos, at least one place remains free from politics and judgment – the floating nations of Oasis. As is often the case, billionaires with excessive funds enjoyed investing in ambitious projects, and in the mid-21st century, Oasis was one such endeavor that ultimately became a symbol of hope and freedom. Situated between particularly volatile regions, Oasis serves as a neutral zone among the floating nations, offering a haven amidst the tumult.

A Royal Refuge

To some degree, Oasis also serves as a meeting ground for the children of various imperial and royal families, allowing them to mingle in a way that would be impossible within their own nations. As a result, Atlas has encountered numerous princes and princesses from other floating nations while socializing in Oasis. Among the most notable is Diana Augusta, the heir to Rome and sworn enemy of Atlantis. Despite the rivalry, the lush gardens of Oasis offer numerous settings for open and honest conversations.



Unique Locals

Oasis holds a particularly intriguing aspect - the presence of long-extinct species brought back to life. The 21st century's technological advancements allowed certain eccentric billionaires to revive these lost creatures, ranging from mammoths to Tasmanian tigers. Some creations were also much, much bigger. It's hard to say whether their childhood exposure to films on the topic influenced their preferences, but billionaires seemed to have an overwhelming fascination with dinosaurs... Inevitably, when their wealthy benefactors lost interest, these animals required new homes. That new home would inevitably be Oasis.


Whilst the prehistoric residents of the Oasis are all tagged and tracked, visitors are always advised to keep their wits about them. Aside from the larger therapods, the island is home to a over 30 genetically modified Utahraptors, which even Ohsi steers well clear of. As Ohsi notes, however, don’t bother them and they won’t bother you… Unless of course they are hungry, in which case… Run.

Of course, one Atlantean is rumoured to be able to commune with the animals… Prehistoric kinds included…