Unraveling Rome:
A Tale of Power and Intrigue

Rome, the very name brings up the image of a mighty empire obsessed with world conquest, and the Rome of the 22nd century is no different. It would be fair to say, that most Atlanteans do not refer to Rome without first using one of a number of strong expletives before the word “Rome”. Whilst started by the European Union as a democratic floating nation full of promise, what it later became, especially in relation to its foreign relations and human rights record, is rather unpalatable to all except the citizens of Rome.

Stolen Valor

As much as the appropriation of ancient cultures formed a massive part of the naming and creation of the floating cities of the world, from New Ra, to Sheba, to Sparta, to Amazonia amongst numerous others, many would argue that the title given to the new Empire of Rome was perhaps the most egregious. There is no doubt though, that once renamed, the new Rome spent trillions on living up to and enforcing its identity.

The Oceanic European Union:
A Dream Rekindled

Started first by the European Union, who saw the economic success of Atlantis, the rather less than catchily entitled Oceanic European Union, or OEU for short was slow to develop and overset by bureaucracy, until the coronation of Atlas XII of the Empire of Atlantis in 2049. Many firms, especially EU companies, took advantage of generous tax breaks then offered by the OEU to move to the OEU, given especially the social responsibility obligations put on corporations by Atlas XII. Hence, began the rise of the OEU.

Rome's Fiery Ascent

In 2078 the OEU merged with a number of other floating cities and started to slowly make its way across the Atlantic Ocean, becoming a major oceanic power. Taking on then the name of Invictus after decades of mockery for its name, the floating republic became one of the most powerful nations on Earth, especially under the less than impressive reign of Atlas XIII. Under the administration of the Prime Minister who was to become Octavius, Invictus began to catch up to Atlantis and the United States in military power. Many had warned about the dangers of the direction in which Invictus was heading under its then Prime Minister, and as its aggression grew, more and more floating cities grew weary and a number of defensive pacts were drawn up, not least amongst the powerful Ra and the Shebans.


The Leviathans, colossal mecha created by Rome, embody military terror. Towering over the floating cities, these Orichalcum-armored machines require the combined might of several Spartan Lions to confront their devastation. Each Leviathan, a near-unstoppable force, becomes a horrifying spectacle of Rome's ambition and power, their thunderous strides a chilling reminder of Rome's menacing supremacy.

Octavius Caesar:
A Troubled Legacy

The Octavius of antiquity is known as ancient Rome’s first emperor, Augustus, one who inherited a Rome built of wood, and left it made of stone, creating a legal and justice system and revolutionizing the constitution to create the foundations of modern law. The modern Octavius Caesar, it is unfortunate to say, has done the reverse, inheriting a largely benevolent, if corrupt democracy and turning it into a tyranny. Taking control in a coup orchestrated by unknown forces, the self-proclaimed Caesar Octavius was soon in full control of Invictus, now renamed Rome, and the wealth of the corporations which had established themselves there in the pursuit of quick profits.

Endless ambitions

Octavius was eager to take advantage of the perceived weakness of Atlas the XIII, and was quick to attack both its quasi allies in the northern frontiers in the direction of Midgard and it’s southern frontier towards Amazonia. Unfortunately for Octavius, the attack was launched in 2092, just a month after Atlas the XIIIth had given control of all military matters to his son, Atlas the XIV. Atlas the Great, quick to see the danger involved should the entire Atlantic Ocean fall to Rome, came to the assistance of both Midgard and Amazonia. Whilst some neutral border cities were lost, Rome was contained, and Atlantis had new loyal allies willing to contain the might of Rome.

A burning hatred

Octavius, whilst furious, could do nothing but sit and watch as Rome was beaten back by the Midgardians and Amazons, with trillions in support from Atlantis. Thus began his lifelong hatred of Atlantis, which he passed onto his son, Julius Caesar the II. Julius is now in control of Rome given his father’s ill health, and only awaits the moment when he can strike at those he blames for holding back the Roman Empire… Julius II has one heir, his daughter Diana Augusta, who will day become the leader of the Roman Empire.

No love lost

As an aside, as the Italian Republic makes clear, it shares no association with Rome, and considers it a stain upon its modern capital of Rome. The return of gladiatorial games in the early 22nd century further cemented Rome’s reputation for brutality. Rome’s pure military might has, however, made it almost untouchable. Whilst perhaps slightly weaker than the two eminent superpowers of Atlantis and the United States, it’s willingness to form alliances with rogue floating cities and even in the badlands means it is a force to be reckoned with.