The return of


Jewel of the Med

There is little doubt that ancient Egypt was one of the greatest empires to ever grace the Earth, leaving the only remaining of the seven wonders of the world in the pyramids. It would be accurate to say though, that since being conquered by ancient Rome it never quite reached the same heights. There were many, however, who were most unhappy with such a state of affairs, and as such they created a new floating nation which evokes its memories, Ra.

citIES like no otherS

Ra contains fantastically beautiful cities based on ancient Egyptian architecture, often criss crossed with pyramids and grand boulevards with Egyptian statues on either side. It’s borders, much like Rome’s are with Eagles, are covered with Sphinxes. Atlantis has always had a rocky relationship with Ra, some would say that at their very soul they are diametrically opposed.. Atlantis worships water, and Ra, the Sun, both believe them to be the bringer of life, and of course, both are right. Politically though, it comes down more to Ra’s allegiance to Rome, rather than Atlantis…