Nordic Roots

Midgard is a rather complicated Duchy, established by Scandinavians at the very beginning of the rise of the floating cities. Having witnessed the ascent of the new Atlantis, they decided to likewise draw upon their heritage and name their new floating nation after ancient Norse mythology. Some may have said, that the scientific evidence for Ancient Atlantis was at least slightly more plausible, but it was not in the nature of the Scandinavians to discuss such matters other than to dismiss them with a haughty shrug and accuse the starter of the conversations of trying to engage in small talk, a habit hated by many Scandinavians.

Icy waters

Midgard is a collection of more than 30 floating cities that are loosely connected. Initially, Midgard was the most democratic and republican floating city worldwide. However, things changed when Atlas the XIV of Atlantis and Rome rose to power. Atlas was known for his expansionist tendencies, which took him from the Pacific to the North Atlantic. With his advanced technology, he was at Midgard's doorstep. Meanwhile, Rome emerged as a hyper-ambitious new state on Midgard's southern border, posing a significant threat to Midgard. Unfortunately, Midgard knew it was not well-equipped to face this challenge.

Powerful friends

Despite this, to the credit of Midgard, it stood by its principles. When it came to Rome, and its barbaric methods, the current Duke’s father is most famous for partially quoting Alexander Pope in saying, “who breaks the butterfly upon the wheel? We will not let that wheel turn”. As such Midgard was launched into war with the far militarily superior Rome, based on a defense of human rights. Atlantis, no bigger a fan of Rome than Midgard, whilst remaining officially uninvolved, was happy to send trillions in arms and aid to Midgard. This pact was sealed with the marriage of the Emperor’s cousin to the new Duke, Harald.

An Alliance

When pressed on when Midgard would be granted the status of a kingdom, Emperor Athos, perhaps a touch too nonchalantly, said that on ‘the return of your King Thor’. Duke Harald, having trained and originally practiced as a lawyer, saw this is a potential loophole whereby he would name his son Thor and hence Midgard would become a kingdom. As luck should have it, however, he had seven daughters.

Hammer Time

Whilst it is its own country, the Duke is sworn to allegiance to Atlantis, which was pledged upon the Orichalcum blade of Atlas the XIV. The Duke hence often jokes that his father swore his allegiance to the sword, and not Atlantis itself. The Duke is also heard to often rumble under his breath about a Mjolnir, which many have attributed to his generally grumpy nature. Others, however, have pointed to extensive archaeological expeditions in Scandinavia financed by the Duke, to the tune of many billions of dollars, that indicate that the Duke perhaps does not consider it an imaginary object. Other rumors spread as well, that it was already found, a hammer of pure Orichalcum, stored deep within Atlantis, and that when the time would come and it was necessary, it would be gifted to the Valkyrie.

Midgard: Svalbard's Enchanting Floating Cities

The core of Midgard's floating cities are strategically constructed around the island of Svalbard, though the borders of Midgard stretch to as far south as the United Kingdom.

The bi-frost project

The Duke of Midgard had long lobbied the Emperor to share Light Wing technology on a lower level so he could recreate one of the most famous elements of the Norse mythical Midgard, the Bifrost, a bridge of light in the color of the rainbow connecting the various realms of the Duchy. Athos finally relented, and Atlantean engineers worked with Midgard to create the Bifrost to connect the seven original cities of Midgard…

NOT cheap

Whilst the Bifrost is undeniably spectacular, the Duke of Midgard soon came to regret his decision, claiming that the running cost of the bridges was a major hindrance on his personal funds. Even with the unlimited clean power of fusion, the amount of energy required to run the Bifrost was astronomical. There have been numerous ‘renovation works’ carried on for many years claiming to be perfecting the Bifrost, but which many consider simply an excuse to turn the Bifrost off in order to save power.

A success regardless

Despite this, there is no doubt that the bridges of light would be considered by many one of the new wonders of the world. Stretching between the cities of Midgard, it is possible to traverse large amounts of the Northern Atlantic without touching water. Various travel guides have highlighted that seeing the Aurora Borealis, against the neon cities of Midgard with the Bifrost connecting them is a definite bucket list item. Just be sure to check the Bifrost is actually running at the time…


The Guardians of Fate

Always legendary but immortalized in modern culture by Wagner, the Valkyries were mystical creatures, straight from the tales of Norse mythology. They were the embodiment of beauty and strength, riding on horseback and wielding swords with grace and ferocity. They were also the chosen ones, who decided the fate of warriors on the battlefield and escorted their souls to the grand hall of Valhalla.

Not just fierce warriors, they were also nurturers of the wounded and bringers of life. They were said to possess the power to heal and revive the fallen, and were known to aid those in need. They were the guardians of fate, influencing the outcome of battles and the destinies of individual warriors. It is as such no wonder that they are often linked to the Norse goddess Freya, who also holds the power over fate and death.


The primary long-range transport of the Valkyrie is the GR-7 AngelWing, derived from Atlantean Spartan Lion technology.

Myth takes flight

The Valkyries of 2149 are, however, a little different from those of Norse mythology. Created many decades before, they were a special forces unit of the Midgardian nation. This remained the case under the Roman wars… Where their exemplary service in battle gave them a reputation as the fiercest of warriors… 

This led to the Valkyrie becoming the most elite Midgardian fighting unit, and one which the Duke of Midgard chose to offer Emperor Athos as his personal guard during his negotiations to hold back the power of Rome. The Emperor, himself impressed greatly by the Valkyries accepted. The current general of the Valkyries is Kara, Duchess of Midgard, and there is no question as to her commitment to the special forces unit, much to the chagrin of Atlas…