The blood of Poseidon

While many people around the world regard Atlantis as just another renamed empire, albeit far more successful than most, the Atlanteans have the ability to prove their unique heritage in an instant, yet they seemingly choose not to. Atlas XII claimed to be the son of Poseidon, and as it turns out, he wasn't lying. Consequently, every descendant of Atlas XII has had the blood of Poseidon coursing through their veins. Although this divine lineage would naturally dilute over time, the emergence of the first pure Olympian would ultimately change everything..

It’s alive

Without delving into the various anomalies brought about by the presence of Poseidon's blood, there is one aspect that stands out as particularly otherworldly. Poseidon, as the God of the seas, always had a special connection with the oceans, and this bond persisted in his descendants. Rather than considering water as merely an element, Poseidon perceived it as a living, sentient being – the source of all life – known as Aqua. The ocean was alive, and while Poseidon reigned as the God of the seas, he was, in essence, a subject of the all-encompassing Aqua.

Atlantean Light

The Atlantean royal bloodline cherishes their connection with Aqua and strives to become one with the water. This profound bond is most evident when they choose to commune with Aqua. Reports suggest that, seemingly at will when in contact with water, they can transform into bioluminescent beings. By connecting with Aqua, the water that makes up the majority of their bodies radiates with a luminous glow, reflecting their unique link with Aqua in a way that others cannot achieve. Legend has it that once, in order to win a battle, Poseidon shone as brightly as the sun when he connected with Aqua.

Aqua and Atlas

Atlas has always endeavored to appreciate the bond between Atlantis and Aqua, despite his apparent adoption. Unbeknownst to him, as a son of Poseidon and the only pure-blood Olympian in history, Aqua is not just a source of light but also his partner and the very essence of his identity.