The Orichalcum Revolution

The advent of Orichalcum armor, impervious to most materials, projectiles, and artillery, fundamentally altered the dynamics of warfare. Traditional bullets, rockets, and missiles became virtually ineffective against infantry, unless they were crafted from high concentrations of Orichalcum—an endeavor that would elevate the cost of each bullet to millions of dollars.“

Transforming the Battlefield

In the early 22nd century, rumors circulated of such bullets, crafted by forces hostile to Atlantis. Dubbed "God Killers" for their unparalleled ability to penetrate Orichalcum armor, these projectiles were considered the ultimate weapon in battle. However, it remains unclear whether their existence is merely an urban legend or a tangible creation crafted by a determined nation.


This dramatic shift in the rules of engagement, spurred by the introduction of Orichalcum armor, serves as a testament to the ever-evolving nature of warfare and the relentless pursuit of military dominance.

A Return to the Past:
The Resurgence of Close-Combat Warfare

As bullets and other high-velocity weapons became increasingly ineffective, infantry warfare witnessed a surprising transformation. The battlefield once again became the domain of armored warriors wielding swords, now enhanced with futuristic technology. These soldiers displayed astonishing agility, capable of running and jumping on water as if it were solid ground.


With the Atlanteans brandishing their naturally-mined red Orichalcum blades and their adversaries wielding multi-colored luminous weapons, the face of warfare had undeniably changed from what it had been for several centuries. Astonishingly, the ancient arts of dueling and fencing, long considered relics of a bygone era, experienced a remarkable resurgence, redefining the rules of engagement on the modern battlefield. 

A Legendary Relic:
The Sword of Atlas XII

There is said to be only one weapon forged entirely from pure Orichalcum—the storied sword of Atlas XII, which has been passed down through generations of Emperors. Legend has it that the sword emits a brilliant red glow and, when ignited, burns with an undying flame that defies the laws of physics, requiring no external power source to sustain it.

This enigmatic weapon has acquired a variety of monikers, from the "Everlasting Flame" to the "Eternal Light." However, it remains challenging to independently verify its existence, leaving many to wonder whether the sword is a genuine artifact or merely an effective piece of propaganda. Regardless, the tale of the sword of Atlas XII continues to captivate the imagination, adding to the mystique of the Atlantean legacy.

Unlocking the Secret:
The Role of Atlantean Nobility and Orichalcum

Many nations have posited that the unique ability of Atlantean nobility to manipulate Orichalcum stems from some form of DNA engineering, tailored to match specific genetic traits. Despite the prevalence of this hypothesis, no concrete evidence has emerged to support this theory.

The enigmatic connection between Atlantean nobility and Orichalcum continues to perplex researchers and spark speculation, as the quest to uncover the truth behind this remarkable phenomenon remains ongoing.