A Portrait of

The COUNT in Full Plume
His heart beats in rhythm with the pulse of the arts, resonating with the harmonious melodies of music, the vibrant palettes of paintings, and the lyrical allure of poetry. A connoisseur of beauty in its purest form, du Barry indulges in the aesthetic pleasures life offers with an enthusiasm that is both infectious and inspiring. His senses, keen and refined, are ceaselessly attuned to the ebb and flow of artistic expression.

Harmony in Dissonance:
The COUNT's Serenade
Du Barry, much to his chagrin, possesses a penchant for song. His sweet, yet slightly off-tune melodies punctuate the air of the court, his unabashed enthusiasm making up for the lack of natural talent. His friendship with the Duchess of Asgard, Kára, is founded on a shared appreciation of cultural treasures and a certain vivacious charm. A distant acquaintance of Prince Atlas, he is more a figure in the periphery of the prince's life than a confidant.

Ink-Stained Ambitions:
The Duke at Court
Serving as an understudy to the official scribe of Emperor Atlas, Du Barry exists within the ripples of Atlantean power, quietly observing the surge of events from his unique vantage point. His ink-stained fingers dance over parchment, chronicling the court's comings and goings with meticulous precision. Yet beneath the cool detachment, a glimmer of ambition sparks within him. Despite his air of aristocratic apathy, he covets the intoxicating allure of power, albeit cloaked in a veil of courtly deference.

Behind the Quill:
The Duke's Secret Chronicles
Witty, but with an edge of acerbic sharpness, Du Barry records the court's intrigues in his personal diary, his prose rich with biting wit and sparkling turns of phrase. His words are delicate brushstrokes, painting vivid portraits of Atlantean power players, their ambitions and follies laid bare under his scrutinizing gaze. His aloof demeanor conceals a restless mind, ever watchful, ever calculating. Trust is a fickle commodity in the opulent courts of Atlantis and, for Prince Atlas, Du Barry's allegiance remains a mystery, an enigma shrouded in silk and sweet song.

Name: Du Barry
Title: Count
Birthplace: Paris