The home of the Empress Elise of Atlantis. Located 400 miles off the coast of Queensland, Australia.


In 2149 Hong Kong, towering skyscrapers dominate the skyline. The city is a bustling metropolis, known for its cutting-edge innovations in science and technology. Hong Kong remains a vibrant and diverse hub of culture and commerce.


The Johnson naval base in Hawaii is situated within a mountain on the island of Oahu. The base is home to a variety of military personnel, including sailors, marines, and other armed forces personnel. It is a secure and strategic location, providing a safe haven for military operations and training exercises.


Off the coast of Oman lies Tiwi, a seashell city perched atop a towering cliff. The city is made entirely of shell-like architecture, which shimmer and sparkle in the sunlight. The buildings are interconnected by winding paths and bridges, and the city is surrounded by crystal-clear waters. The inhabitants of the city make a living by harvesting pearls and fishing, and their way of life is closely tied to the sea. The city is a popular destination for tourists, who come to admire its beauty and learn about its unique culture.