The Magic of Water

The Planet Earth. Traveling through space and time at inconceivable speeds on a veneer-thin crust of a gigantic ball of molten iron, basking in the scorching light of its mother star Sol, and protected by a minute layer of air from the frigid and deadly realms of outer space. Welcome to Spaceship Earth. This is our home. In time, we might roam galaxies, other universes, different spaces, dimensions, and times, but right now, Earth is the only home we have.

Water is best

Everything that we see around us was created by water. Every tiny detail of the landscape, every living cell and elephant, every feeling that we experience is because of water. For nothing is more important for us than water, never was, nor ever will be. And, if we are alone in the Universe, then we, the children of water on Earth, may hold the key to its ultimate fate.

The matrix of life

Water is our absolute and wonderful treasure. Naturally, of all things that exist, water is closest to us, as we are, physically, mostly water. Certainly, we are not water only, but we could fondly say that we are 18-karat water. Water is the source, the matrix, and the medium of all life on Earth—and, since it is likely to have been instrumental in the birth of the Solar System, it is the seed of everything we know. This World of ours, with its ongoing informational, biotechnics and quantum revolutions, is the World where the fire of technology meets the watery flux of nature. We have achieved a great deal of understanding in our reductionist pursuit of h2o. Water, however, is more than the sum of its molecules, and we need improve also our appreciation of the holistic angle of water, and its role in fostering everything that we see.

The Gift

Given the importance of water, aquakinesis, derived from Vincent theory, is a powerful ability that allows its wielder to control water with their mind. Only a select few in Atlantis possess this incredible power, and those who do can manipulate the movements and shape of water with incredible precision. With aquakinesis, one can create waves, form protective barriers of water, or even freeze water into deadly projectiles.


Undeniably, though aquakinesis has a multitude of applications, one of the ways it truly showcases its full strength is amidst the fervor of battle. This power shatters the traditional norms of weaponry, unfazed by standard limitations or physical confines. It elevates the mundane, morphing water—often seen as a simple life-sustaining element—into a vital asset during warfare.

Those fortunate enough to possess this unique talent have the potential to revolutionize the face of a duel entirely. They have the ability to manipulate water at their discretion, reshaping the battlefield according to their strategy. Their prowess lies not just in control but in creative adaptation, turning the unpredictable ebb and flow of water into a predictable, advantageous ally.

The Connection

Aquakinesis users have a deep and intuitive connection with water, able to sense its movements and changes in the environment. They can feel the currents of a river, the tide of the ocean, and even the moisture in the air. This connection allows them to anticipate the movements of water and use their powers to control it with precision.  For a aquakinesis user, water is not just a tool to be wielded, but a living, breathing force that they are intimately connected to.


Aquakinesis users can often be distinguished often by their naturally occurring blue eye colour and hair when using the power, though some users have developed the ability to suppress this.


Explosive water

(Yes… Really, we’re not making this up…)

There is one element of aquakenisis which is particularly, explosive. Literally. It’s well established that given the coldness of space, that most water exists as amorphous ice. Unlike the ice you scrape off your car, it’s not hexagonal in structure, but rather random in its formation. Amorphous ice has long been known to be the most abundant source of water in the universe, thought to exist at both higher and lower freezing temperatures, with nothing in between. This all changed in early 2023 with the first discovery of medium amorphous ice (‘MAI’)… As opposed to all other forms of ice, which upon being heated simply gently and not kinetically revert to their previous state, whether ice or liquid, MAI was different…

Medium Amorphous Ice

MAI, upon becoming warmer, in opposition to the prediction of almost every scientist (to be fair, most of which thought MAI didn’t exist until scientific research papers were released in 2023 confirming its existence… Emitted large amounts of heat… Ice, turned to fire.

As such, those able to use aquakinesis could control not just water and ice, but also create fire and explosions through taking advantage of MAI and cooling and then reheating water to the extent it releases large amounts of heat and kinetic energy. It has not been unknown, for a aquakenisis user to send a torrent of watery ice towards an enemy, which before reaching them is heated by air enough to turn into a wall of fire…